WebMoney Transfer

WebMoney Transfer es una solución de pagos seguros en línea que combina cómidas herramientas de contabilidad con opciones de mensajes y comunicación protegidos entre usuarios registrados.

WebMoney Transfer permite que sus usuarios hagan pagos online y tengan un entorno eficiente para llevar a cabo comercio electrónico.

To sign up for WebMoney Transfer, you need to install the client interface on your computer, PDA or cell phone, register in the system and accept its terms and conditions set forth in the Agreement on Property Rights Transfer by Means of Digital Units. You will then receive a WM-identifier (WMID) – a unique user’s number. The registration process also implies that users fill out a registration form, provide their personal data and verify it using the Verification Center service (WebMoney Passport). Each user receives a Pasaporte WebMoney — a digital document based on the user’s personal information.

All transactions in the system are instant and irrevocable.

WEBMONEY is a unique digital unit (WM); a unit of the amount (volume) of property rights with a price (conventional network value) set by its holders. The principles of its transfer and accounting comply with the principles of circulation stipulated at the Appendix 1 to the Agreement on the Transfer of Property Rights by Means of Digital Title units.

Sitios web oficiales: http://www.webmoney.ru http://www.wmtransfer.com http://www.webmoney.com.mx http://www.wmtransfer.com

News are published in the Blog de Noticias.

Merchants can use the Merchant interface and XML-interfaces.